Do you really need an Intellectual Property attorney?



Across Intellectual Property Offices worldwide, there are different laws that will allow that you you’re your application without an attorney. However, if any issue arises, you will definitely need one, why? Keep reading!


Attorneys educate clients: You are paying for a service, and therefore your attorney will explain anything you need and provide the best advice.


Trademark scams: If you file the trademark yourself, and even if you do it by an attorney it will not be a surprise that you may get a notification with an invoice letting you know “updates” from your application. These are, of course, are a fraud. When you have your attorney, you MUST ONLY listen to him/her. Nothing you receive by other office is likely to be truth, and NEVER EVER pay any invoice that you did not agree in advance with your firm.


Time savings: Attorneys know the work so you do not need to waste any time performing searches you cannot know that will be properly done or listening to your friend or neighbor who all of a sudden knows about Intellectual Property. Not to mention those DIY on YouTube.


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