Templates vs. Drafted contracts



As attorneys we do not believe in templates at all. Your business is unique, so even within the same industry, it Is different from your friend’s even is something really small.


So, why is it that we draft contracts? We are attorneys and we love the work that we do, so it just seems fair to really work for your business. You are paying a lawyer, so the least that lawyer can do is make sure your contract is customized for your business.


The main issue with templates is that they just focus on the basics, and the changes from country to country is not something they consider as they were just drafted to cover basic needs. Yes, they are more affordable or even you can get free documents online. But, are you 100% sure they were done by an attorney? Are they updated? Or were they made for the lawyer just to send you to the website and for you just to pay?


Our clients love us because they know that we ask all the questions so they can have their unique contract made.


Do you have any questions? Send an email to maria@mjaintellectualproperty.com


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