Your website needs a disclaimer when you have a blog on a specific topic, such as legal (our blog for example), if you are a coach, consultant, etc. You need to let people know that despite your activity, the posts are not advice of any kind.
We cannot know the person’s actual situation, so it is impossible to provide advice just on a post, but it is wise to inform that to avoid any possible lawsuit. In spite of our background, there could be a tiny mistake in the information provided and we are just saving ourselves a headache. Same happens if you offer a product, you may also disclose the fact that you are not to be held liable for any inconvenient with it.
You will need “additional” disclaimers if you provide affiliate links/products/services. If due to a collaboration with another party you are getting any kind of compensation, whether it is money or a benefit from them, people need to know.
Do you have any questions? Send me an email to
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