Why your sponsors should sign a Podcast/Blog Sponsorship Agreement?



In a world in which businesses are born every second, it is great to get sponsors for your blog or podcast. But, have you really considered that there can be legal consequences if things are not stated up front?


This type of agreement is a must if you are considering having sponsors for your podcast or blog, and will cover things such as:


– Details on the ad placement: This includes price, place to show it, what will it say, etc.


– If your audience will get a discount code.


– What happens if they don’t make money from the agreement with you.


– Or even what will happen if they do not get one follower after you have duly done everything in your power.


– What they are expecting from you?


– Are they offering something to you?


Do you have any questions? Send me an email to maria@mjaintellectualproperty.com


Follow me on FB mjaintellectualproperty and IG: @mjaintellectualproperty