Which are the 7 most common mistakes once you have your trademark?



1) Not doing the correct search of antecedent to confirm that the trademark you want has not been registered, or that there is not a very similar trademark.


2) Ask on social media whether people like a design or the other, before registering it under your name.


3) Not filing the application because you “want to see if business works” first.


4) Make modifications on the trademark you already have granted because you have renewed the design or modified only one part of it, and think you do not need to register it again.


5) Spending a fortune in branding and packaging, before registering your trademark, or before registering it at all.


6) Use a trademark you have registered in a specific class for different products or services, without registering it again correctly.


7) Not having the correct legal advice from an attorney specialized on trademark matters.


Do you have any questions? Send me an email to maria@mjaintellectualproperty.com


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